Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Generosity and Sincerity of Others

So many people have been prayer warriors for us the last 4 months, and I'm sure, without a doubt, it has helped us.  We've had so many friends and family members spend time with us, take care of Nolan, bring food, gifts, coffee, beautiful plants, take care of Sneaker, given to us to help financially, and so much more. It's been overwhelming to say the least, and I hope someday to help repay their generosity. Of course, all of their selfless selves (ha, does that make sense?) would never expect anything back. Because that's just the kind of people they are. Here are some pics of a few items we've received recently.
My dear friend and teaching partner Jill made these darling capes for the boys.  Fitting for our theme of course of raising superheros.  They are perfect. 

 She also had this sign made for us to hang in Miles' room.
Tara gave Miles this amazing sign for his baptism.  

 My dear friend Laura sent this in the mail for ME to have at the hospital. So thoughtful. And yes, Nolan is already grabbing for the sucker. He did indeed eat it 5 seconds later.

As I said earlier, there is NO WAY I could list everything people have brought for us, made for us, etc.  Everything from gifts for Nolan, to a superhero blanket, to generous monetary gifts, food, (about 15 loaves of Nolan's favorite banana bread!), you name it.  We know God chose us for Miles, but I also know that God helped bring special people into our lives even before he was born. He must have known we'd really need them someday. We are so grateful that we have the friends and family we do.  

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