Thursday, November 13, 2014

Updates. .

Oh goodness how working full time and being a mommy to two has completely consumed us! Nolan is loving school.  He sings songs he's learned constantly, met so many friends,  been in two field trips,  swims on Mondays, church class Wednesdays! His passion for learning and acquiring knowledge is so amazing.  He also recently jumped off a swing and got as mild wrist fracture.  First cast and hopefully our last!  It'll only be on for 3-4 weeks.  These kids are financially draining from medical bills,  BUT THEY ARE HEALTHY and thriving so it's okay.

Miles is enjoying daycare with Miss Sara and PT on Tuesdays.  His early intervention teacher comes weekly on Wednesdays and someone from the school districts other teams weekly.  (OT, speech,  PT.) He's almost bearing weight on his hands and met almost all of his goals/objectives for spring! We're looking forward to swimming lessons with him in the next few months!

The holidays are upon us, along with crazy work schedules and busy weekends. We're grateful to have good health,  jobs, and  lots of time with family and friends. We wouldn't have it any other way.  Here are a few pics from the last month.

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